I. D. E. A.

Official Social Media Feed


Welcome! You have reached Dillengr, Inc's media feed, IDEA. Here you can find links and previews of all of our articles and social media feeds, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.


Accelerating Digital Expansion: Dillengr's High-Speed Solutions for Hyperscale Growth
Aug 02, 2023

As users and businesses move at lightning speed through the digital sphere, hyperscale data centers are playing a more crucial role in the world’s economy. So, what is a hyperscale data center? [...]


PLC Modernization vs. Retrofit — 

What's Best?
Brandon Dilley | Feb 20, 2023

Lowering TCO With Custom Integration
Brandon Dilley | Mar 14, 2023


    Did you know our company was almost named I.D.E.A? It stands for Innovate, Design, Engineer, Apply. We thought Dillengr was a bit catchier, but we like "IDEA" so much, we've incorporated it into our logo. 



Hey, thanks for checking out our social media feed! In case you missed those "Like" and "Follow" buttons, I've provided you with the links to all of our pages. Nifty, right? 


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact marketing.

 Innovate Design Engineer Apply